Free Your Soul –

Afrikanisches Trommeln, Tanz, Soundhealing & Yoga-Event in Einbeck – Deutschland!

15. + 16.03.2025
(Anreise bereits Freitag Abend möglich – ohne Aufpreis)

geignet für: alle die Lust haben

Hast du das Gefühl, im Alltag das Leben nicht in vollen Zügen zu spüren? Sehnst du dich nach mehr Freiheit, Leichtigkeit und authentischer Freude? Dann ist unser “Free Your Soul” Event genau das Richtige für dich! Tauche ein in ein Wochenende voller Musik, Tanz, Trommeln, Yoga und purem Lebensgefühl.

Lass dich von der Magie Afrikas verzaubern
Wenn der Trommelmeister Kebba Bojang aus Witten/Gambia und die Afrikareisende Lena Wendt zusammentreffen, entsteht eine einzigartige Verbindung aus Energie, Rhythmus und Lebensfreude. In diesem Workshop wirst du die Kraft der Trommel spüren, deinen Körper durch Tanz und Yoga befreien und mit anderen gemeinsam eine unvergessliche Zeit erleben.



Samstag 15.03.2025

Sonntag 16.03.2025





Möchtest du dich freier, lebendiger und authentischer fühlen? Hast du das Gefühl, der Alltag hält nicht genug für dich bereit?

Ich bin Lena und begleite dich dabei, dich wieder mit deinem Körper und deiner Seele zu verbinden. In meinen „Free Your Soul“-Retreats auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent und bei diesem Wochenende erfährst du, wie du loslässt und dich leicht und lebendig fühlst – für eine nachhaltige Veränderung deines Lebens.


Kebba ist pure Lebensfreude und Energie. Trommeln ist seine Leidenschaft – gib ihm eine Djembe in die Hand, und er ist vollkommen glücklich. Als Meistertrommler aus Gambia hat er seine Passion zum Lebensinhalt gemacht. Den Großteil des Jahres lebt er in Deutschland, wo er für seine Trommelworkshops und Auftritte bekannt ist. Kebba ist ständig unterwegs, um das Feuer Gambias durch den Ruf der Djembe in ganz Europa zu entfachen. Doch vor allem geht es ihm darum, gemeinsam mit seinen Mitstreitern sein Herzprojekt “Mama Limbo” zu unterstützen und weiter auszubauen. Und so der Gemeinschaft in Gambia ein besseres Leben zu ermöglichen.


Haus des Jugendrotkreuzes, Einbeck
(Anreise bereits am Freitag möglich)

Du kannst an einem oder beiden Tagen teilnehmen. Wer möchte, kann bereits ab Freitag anreisen und über Nacht bleiben – die Unterkunft steht dir ab Freitagabend zur Verfügung. Bring einfach Bettwäsche oder einen Schlafsack sowie ein Handtuch mit. Für das Frühstück am Samstag sowie Sonntag und das Abendessen am Samstag ist für alle Übernachtungsgäste auf Spendenbasis gesorgt.

Haus des Jugendrotkreuzes, Kohnser Weg 3A, 37574 Einbeck, Deutschland

Mit dem Auto:
Einbeck ist gut über die A7 erreichbar. Nimm die Ausfahrt Einbeck-Nord und folge der Beschilderung Richtung Stadtzentrum. Von dort sind es nur noch wenige Minuten bis zum Haus des Jugendrotkreuzes. Parkplätze sind vor Ort verfügbar.

Mit dem Zug:
Der nächstgelegene Bahnhof ist der Bahnhof Einbeck-Salzderhelden, etwa 5 km vom Veranstaltungsort entfernt. Vom Bahnhof kannst du ein Taxi nehmen oder mit dem Bus (Linie 120) zum Eventgelände fahren.

Mit dem Bus:
Einbeck ist auch gut an das regionale Busnetz angebunden. Vom Busbahnhof Einbeck aus erreichst du den Veranstaltungsort in wenigen Minuten mit dem Taxi oder Bus.

“The time with you, dear Lena, was just wonderful! I enjoyed this week in Morocco so much and it has shaped me. I think of it very often and with much love. Next time I will be very happy to be there again!”


“I am so grateful to you for the coaching sessions as so many things have cleared up in me. It is always uncomfortable to deal with yourself. The coaching sessions with you have done so much good and I have taken so much with me.”


“Lena’s “free your soul retreat”, was definitely one of the best things I have ever done to myself! A true gift to practice Yoga alongside with Lena, who has profound knowledge and knows exactly what she is teaching. With her passion, her kind heart and her openness she created an atmosphere full of trust, love, joy and happiness.”


“Lena has the greatest energy, spirit, personality and husband. I had the best time with the perfect mix of organized lessons, spontaneous trips and free time with and without Lena. The yoga lessons were a perfect combination of strength, stretching and relaxation and held in the nicest locations! The workshops were super useful and the whole atmosphere made me feel like I’ve known Lena, Mohamed and the other participants for years instead of just a few days! Thank you Lena!”


“I feel infinite gratitude that you exist and what beautiful people you attract and connect. You yourself radiate such freedom and strength and at the same time you care warmly for the people around you. I have learned so much these days and wish you lots of strength and energy for everything that is yet to come! It’s so nice that you exist! See you next time! Inshallah!”


“You created a wonderful space where we could just be. Thank you for the authentic Morocco experience and for everything you have to give!”


“It’s the first time in my life, that something touched me so deeply doing Yoga. I am forever grateful for these classes.”


“I just loved Lenas African dance class. It was an amazing, grounding and energizing experience for me. Lenas Energy when dancing was so alive and infectious and I can definitely recommend her class to anybody!!


“Dear Lena ,

I am very happy to have experienced such a wonderful retreat in Morocco together with you and the other great girls. I learned during this trip that it is not bad to let go of things and try new things like yoga :).

I am grateful for all the beautiful moments and that you showed me a completely different Morocco than the one I got to know 20 years ago.
The people here are just so lovely and helpful and even if you don’t always speak the same language, you can tell from their friendly looks that you are welcome. All the encounters and experiences such as drinking tea with Sheriff at the campfire on the beach, sand boarding in the dunes, riding out together, as well as the trip with Mohamed to Paradise Valley, make our friendship even more valuable and make my heart glow.

Thank you for being an energetic woman with all your ideas and dreams and for having such a great man by your side. Together you are such a great, unbeatable team. Thank you for sharing your wonderful life with us so closely.

Love to you”


“Lena’s teaching style is clear and direct and she is excellent at teaching strong, spiritually based yoga. She will help you find that connection that you have been looking for.”


“Lena adds the soul to the movement!”


“I was amazed at what I could do the first time I tried yoga with Lena. She is simply amazing.”


“Dear Lena, the world would be very quiet if you did not exist. I was strengthened by you to defend my needs and to listen to them.  I also admire your partnership with Mohamed, because together you just bubble with love and give it to others. Good people are what the world needs!”


“That was the best Yoga I ever experienced”


“The coaching sessions with Lena are simply a wonderful and provide helpful food for thought on how to stop getting in your own way and break out of previously unconscious habits.”


“I rejoice that you have healed my jar and I am grateful that you have taught me where the source is within me to fill myself up.”

“Thank you so much for the retreat, great yoga morning sessions, African dances and insightful workshops- you splashed us with intensive moments blessed with your energy!”

“From the first moment one feels well taken care of by your loving charisma and your empathetic manner and one has the feeling of finally being heard and understood. Already within three weeks I have learned more about myself, as the whole life. I can only recommend the coaching with Lena! Thank you for what you do, your being and your love for people.”


“Your open heart and cheerfulness impress me very much. I am very grateful for your input and the different ways to deal with his life.
You are an asset to my life!”


“What a power woman! What a charisma! With her wealth of experience and through her wisdom, Lena knows immediately where your triggers are.”


“Lena, you changed my life, now I want to take care of myself.”


“Dear Lena, your coaching on the topic -saying no- touched me very much. You have a zest for life that inspires me again and again. It was well structured and at the same time thanks to the small group size enough time for personal exchange. From this coaching I take away new insights about myself and my communication. Thank you for your time and energy.”


“I thank the universe for bringing us together. You filled my heart in a time of emptiness and uncertainty. You shine from within and I am grateful to have received and carried some of that light with me. To illuminate my new path a little:) I very much hope to see you again! Feel hugged and loved”


“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the great coaching! It was again very eye and heart opening and has brought me a big piece further to myself. I am totally impressed how you managed to create such a great energy in the group. I felt totally comfortable and that made it easy for me to open up. Thank you very much”


“Thank you so much for inspiring me to let out my free spirit, for supporting me to trust in something bigger than we are and also to trust myself. Thanks for your wonderful being & to show me how life can look like on such an authentic and nice way you a re living it. Thanks for helping me to grow, to understand things, to get new ideas ad to change things in life. Lots of love!”


“Thank you for showing me what I can do for myself. Thanks that I can be so open with you.”


“What I want to tell you is far and wide! Full of trust and love in my heart, you are my soul sister! Take good care of yourself!”


“Lena, you changed my life, now I want to take care of myself.”
